- Link
- http://www.aes.org
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Engineering, Radio Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Courses, Information Sources, Journals, Streaming/Download, Technology
Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. It is an international organisation that serves audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and disseminating new knowledge and research. The site offers a wealth of resources, most of which are available to paying members only. They include: Tutorial presentations from conferences and conventions, Oral Histories, and an E-Library which documents the progression of audio research from 1953 to the present day. The UK section of the AES offers some lectures via their YouTube Channel, and reports and recordings of past meetings, which are organised chronologically and go back to 2008.
- Link
- https://www.countrysideclassroom.org.uk/
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Agriculture, Education, Environmental Studies, Food
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Courses, Information Sources, Lists, Organisations, Streaming/Download, Web Links
The aim of this organisation is to promote the best educational resources in food, farming and environment in the UK. The website contains a wide range of content gathered from a significant variety of contributors. Resources can be searched by Key stage/Age, Curriculum Subject, Theme, Type and Format. The Multimedia option offers a selection of videos and short films on subjects including how the agricultural industry works, careers in horticulture, the use of medicines in livestock production, the importance of plant breeding and the process of bread production in the UK.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.youtube.com/theschooloflifetv
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Architecture, Art, Literature, Politics and Government, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Courses, Streaming/Download
This site is the YouTube channel of an organisation which offers a number of services (in the form of courses, films, books etc.) relating to how ideas from the humanities - literature, philosophy, psychology and the visual arts - can help ‘exercise, stimulate and expand your mind’. Although the focus is on a general audience, and the ethos is towards ‘self help’ rather than academic study, the videos are well-made and could be used in a classroom setting. Featuring simple but effective animations and clearly spoken commentaries, the films (which are usually around 6 - 7 minutes long) are arranged by subject matter, and cover a broad range of subjects from the humanities and social sciences, including the History of Ideas, Sociology, Political Theory, Literature and Art and Architecture. The series on philosophy introduces the basic concepts and ideas of thinkers from Plato, Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas to Schopenhauer, Hegel, Wittgenstein and Foucault.
Moving image
- Link
- https://filmmakeriq.com/
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Courses, Streaming/Download
This site features tutorials, courses, interviews and videos covering all aspects of the filmmaking process as well numerous resources on film history, with a particular focus on how changing technology has shaped the course of the movies since the beginnings of film. All the videos are professionally made, engagingly presented and accompanied by text and well-chosen images and feature quizzes in order to reinforce the learning process. Also available on YouTube and Vimeo
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.alz.org/
- Category
- Bio-Medical
- Subject
- Genetics, Medicine, Social Welfare
- Type of resource
- Courses, Databases, Information Sources, Journals, Organisations, Streaming/Download, Video Sources, Web Links
The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organisation in the United States in Alzheimer care, support and research. The Videos and Media pages of the site stream several videotapes outlining latest research in areas such as advances in brain imaging, mild cognitive impairment research, Alzheimer’s and genetics and the role of insulin. In addition to the research videos the Media Clips pages host short, informative clips on a variety of topics of interest to the dementia caregiver, persons with early stage dementia, family members, and professionals.
- Link
- https://www.youtube.com/user/CourtauldInstitute/videos
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Architecture, Art
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Courses, Streaming/Download
The Courtauld Institute of Art in London is a leading centre for the study of the history and conservation of art and architecture. Its Gallery houses one of the world’s finest collections of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painting. The Gallery hosts its own "YouTube channel. The videos offer introductions by experts to individual exhibits in the collections and to temporary exhibitions.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.istructe.org/resources-centre
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Engineering
- Type of resource
- Courses, Organisations, Streaming/Download
The resources centre page of the website offers online courses for sale which include video components alongside slides and pdfs for download. Course titles include Understanding Structural Behaviour and Design to EC2.
- Link
- http://traumafictionhistory.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- History, Psychiatry, Psychology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Courses, Information Sources, Podcasting, Streaming/Download
This research series, organised by Royal Holloway, University of London, School of Modern Languages, uses different formats – lectures, seminars, round tables, workshops, podcasts – to explore the notion of trauma across a wide chronological range. Podcasts include Dr Cecile Bishop talking on ‘The Truth About Amin: History and Fiction in Filmic Portrayals of Idi Amin’; Helen Vassall on ‘The Day Nina Simone Stopped Singing: Gender, War and Trauma’ and Marina Warner speaking on '"What’s Hercules to Him?" Terror, Pity and the Matter of Troy (from Homer to Alice Oswald). The site is clear and easy to use and the summary of content full and informative.
- Link
- https://vimeo.com/movingimagestudio
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Art, Film Studies, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Courses, Streaming/Download
The Moving Image Pathway is a bespoke study route within the Fine Art School at the Royal College of Art, London available on the Vimeo site. The course supports students who work broadly with the moving image from within the context of contemporary art practice. The site hosts lectures, seminars and workshop projects held as part of the Moving Image Pathway - and similar projects that took place prior to the formation of the Pathway. These projects cover a range of histories, theories and production processes.
Moving image
- Link
- https://ifi.ie/podcasts/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Film Studies, History
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Courses, Databases, Podcasting
The Irish Film Archive acquires, preserves and makes available Ireland’s moving image heritage. The collection is broad, aiming to reflect all aspects of indigenous film production, whether professional or amateur. It incorporates fiction, features, public information films, amateur material, documentary, newsreel, experimental film and animation. The Archive maintains a research library covering all aspects of Irish and international cinema and a Paper Collection providing primary research material on the history of Irish film. It organises film screenings courses and lectures. A small number of podcasts related to discussions of Irish cinema are streamed.
Moving image
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