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Temperatures in Alaska, America’s coldest, richest State, are rising ten times faster than in the rest of the world. President Bush ignored the warning signs. He pulled out of Kyoto and wants to open a...
Filmed on location in Alaskam contrasting views of Alaska as empty wilderness with the reality of native Alaskan history and experience. Addresses a number of questions: How can the past settlement and use...
Looks at the ‘Exxon Valdez’ oil spill in Alaska two years on and examines the repercussions of pollution, tanker safety and the apportioning of blame. Shows the power of the oil industry as well as the...
Tuktu is the Kuvanmiit Eskimo word for caribou. The film traces the early evolution of Ambler, founded in the mid-1950s on the Kobuk River in Alaska. Change and development characterise life in this village...
Imaging satellites allow the recording of details of the terrain of remote areas with harsh climates which had previously inhibited detailed environmental mapping and research. The collection presents a...
Surveys the history of Alaska from Behring’s discovery in 1741 to the recent findings of oil close to the Arctic shore.
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