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Kate Raworth, Senior Researcher at Oxfam Great Britain explores the question of what it would take to achieve global ‘green growth’ with equity.
A short animation (2.5 minutes) made by the Health and Education for All Campaign putting forward the case that aid makes a difference to the lives of the poorest people around the world and answering the...
What do primary-school children think of asylum seekers and refugees? This short DVD is an innovative production where young asylum seekers in Glasgow were trained to use video cameras to film and interview...
Two videos raising issues relating to the world as a global community and giving an insight into the power structures that determine how international institutions behave. One video is on the World Bank and...
A video-based training pack highlighting how TV news footage can be used to encourage students to learn about the developing world, using the floods in Mozambique as a case study. Designed as a teaching...
A video training pack offering help and guidance to primary teachers and early years practitioners who work with refugee children. The video includes information on how to support children who have...
A series of three 5-minute films made to be shown in the run-up to the G8 summit in Genoa on third world debt. The first programme shows how the cancellation of some of Uganda’s debts has helped transform...
A video-based teaching pack looking at the issue of street children in Singida, Tanzania. Ralf Little meets children living on the streets and introduces the work of the Kititimo Centre, to explore some of...
A video-based resource pack examining issues of Fair Trade through the case study of cocoa farmers in Ghana. Des Coleman meets the people who rely on Fair Trade for their livelihoods. Supporting teacher’s...
A video-based resource pack about the experience of being a tourist on a package holiday and about being a local person in a tourist destination. Located in The Gambia.
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