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The collection from Arts Data and Powersof 10.com contain: "Powers of Ten 1978" (9 minutes) "A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe"...
Focuses on dance from the early days of cinema 1894-1912, and on the pioneering work of Ted Shawn and Ruth St Denis (1912-1950), who created modern dance, inspired by ethnic theatre traditions and the...
In 1994 the Polish director Krysztof Kieslowski gave a workshop in Amsterdam on ‘directing actors’ for young directors. For a fortnight various groups worked every day on a scene from Ingmar Bergman’s...
In the company of his tortoise, Roci, the pop artist Robert Rauschenberg takes his ROCI show (the Rauschenberg Overseas Cultural Exchange) to countries such as Tibet, Cuba and Russia. Meetings with local...
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