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Shows how children can learn about literacy from their families, and how schools and nursery centres can work with parents to promote children’s early literacy development. Work on different strands of...
Looks at the influence of parents on the school curriculum in Denmark. Shows three schools: 1) at the Vigetsted School parents and teachers negotiate the details of a class project; 2) in Randers, Jutland,...
Based on the Cambridge Literacy Project, which sets up a partnership between parents, support services and class teachers to help children with reading and writing problems. The video shows in short segments...
The tapes illustrate various approaches to curriculum planning in nursery and reception classes. Topics include the defining of priorities, the promotion of the aims of education, parental involvement,...
At the nursery shown in the programme, mothers start by helping with the settling-in of their own children. They are then invited to join the rota of regular helpers and often participate in social and...
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