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A short film which leads the viewer through the issues and questions raised by the free-will/determinsm debate. The film covers: key ideas related to free-will and determinism; classifying different...
This DVD features five short films addressing the problem of evil. The first film, The PROBLEM OF EVIL [12 minutes] looks at key concepts including the Inconsistent Triad, Theodicy, Natural Evil and Moral...
The film explores the concepts of determinism and free will, the implications of the problem of free will for moral responsibility, and some attempts to solve this problem. Uses a fictional minimalist lab in...
PASTORALE is a music theatre piece by experimental composer Trevor Wishart (b.1946) which takes a humorous and critical look at the Creation myths and the problems of freewill and determinism. The film...
Iris Murdoch and David Pears discuss ethics, freedom and determinism, and Freud.* (60 minutes)
Aimed at both GCSE and A level students this useful resource focuses on key ideas and theories vital for a clear understanding of psychology. The dvd is divided into succinct chapters for ease of use and...
This resource is intended to answer questions on a variety of important aspects that students find challenging when studying psychology. This is the first in the series of a collection called ‘Concepts in...
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