Hanging in the Balance: The Future of a Forest
- Synopsis
- The Amazon forest is the largest tropical forest on earth, and so it plays a critical role in regulating global climate: it stores huge amounts of carbon and emits 20 percent of the world’s life-giving oxygen. However, rapid deforestation has destroyed nearly a fifth of the rain forest and brought it to a tipping point. This short documentary, produced by the Skoll Foundation, tells the story of organisations working to save the rainforest. In Colombia, they have helped to protect indigenous lands encompassing one-fifth of the entire country; In Brazil, they have contributed to efforts that reduced deforestation by 80% since 2004, the single greatest reduction of carbon emissions ever achieved by humankind.[15 minutes]
- Language
- English (United States)
- Country
- United States
- Year of release
- 2012
- Subjects
- Environmental science
- Keywords
- climate; deforestation; rain forest; Amazon forest
Online availability
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=847&v=m_yn5-YxkxI
- Delivery
- Streamed
- Director
- Michael Schwarz
Production Company
- Name
Skoll Foundation
- http://skoll.org/about/contact-us/
- Web
- http://skoll.org/ External site opens in new window
- Phone
- +650 331 1031
- Address
- 250 University Ave
Suite 200
Palo Alto
CA 94301
- Name
- Web
- http://www.youtube.com External site opens in new window
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 265 times.