Brit Muslim: A Community Profile
- Synopsis
- The film gives an insight into the life of two million British Muslims, challenging the important issues of identity and Britishness, and examining the contribution made by Muslims to British society. The film gives a realistic picture of the present situation of Muslims in Britain from different historical, political, economic, social, religious, artistic and scientific perspectives. Many scholars, academics, scientists, senior politicians, entrepreneurs, artists and journalists have participated in the film. By presenting facts and realities and putting forward key questions to provoke discussions on Muslims in Britain from different points of view, this informative, educative and thought provoking film distinguishes itself from other similar works.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Year of release
- 2010
- Year of production
- 2010
- Subjects
- Social Studies; Religious studies
- Keywords
- British studies; multicultural communities; Muslims; British Asians
- Director
- Reza Shirazi
- Producer
- Reza Shirazi; Susan Noori
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Region 2 PAL
- Price
- £14.99
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 77 minutes
- Year
- 2011
Production Company
- Name
Media Art Ltd
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 0121 224 7888
- Address
- 120 The Greenhouse
The Custard Factory
Gibb Street
B9 4AA
Distributor (Sale)
- Name
- Web
- External site opens in new window
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 633 times.