Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness
- Synopsis
- Who has the authority to define a culture? Is there "objective" scholarship and, if so, how does it become politicised? Race and scholarship collide in a new film on Melville J. Herskovits, the pioneering American anthropologist of African Studies and controversial intellectual who established the first African Studies centrer at an American university and authored the seminal "The Myth of the Negro Past".
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Year of release
- 2009
- Year of production
- 2009
- Subjects
- Anthropology; Social Studies
- Keywords
- civil rights; cultural theory; race relations; African-Americans; Herskovits, Melville J
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Region 1 NTSC
- Price
- $195.00
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 57 minutes
- Year
- 2009
Production Company
- Name
Vital Pictures
- Name
California Newsreel
- contact@newsreel.org
- Web
- http://www.newsreel.org External site opens in new window
- Phone
- +1 877 811 7495
- Fax
- +1 802 846 1850
- Address
- Order Dept
PO Box 2284
South Burlington
VT 05407-2284
USA - Notes
- California Newsreel produces and distributes documentaries on social justice issues. The range of films promotes the advancement of racial justice and diversity, the study of African American life and history as well as African culture and politics. A recently added thematic focus is the global economy, with an emphasis on the international division of labour.
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 960 times.