Out out Darn Spot
- Synopsis
- Animated children’s television series, consisting of five-minute shorts. The 100-episode series was created by Hal Seeger in 1966, to parody the popular Batman and The Green Hornet television series which had premiered the same year. Batfink was a crime fighter with super sonic sonar and wings of steel. He and his sidekick Karate would keep the world safe from villains such as Hugo a Go Go, Daniel Boom, and the Monstrous Master Movie Maker. In this episode Sir Sol Iloquy, a great English actor, is performing Macbeth on television, using the original dagger. During Act II, Scene i ( "Is this a dagger I see before me?"), Hugo brings on the spotlight with makes hundreds of spots. Iloquy is blinded and Hugo grabs the dagger to thunderous (artificially produced) applause.
- Series
- Batfink
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Medium
- Television
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Notes
- All 100 episodes released on one DVD in 2004.
- Keywords
- children’s television; Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
- Director
- Hal Seeger
- Producer
- Hal Seeger
- Writer
- Dennis Marks (2)
- Animator
- I Klein; Moray Reden
- Cast
Frank Buxton Len Maxwell
Production Company
Online Retailer
- Name
- care@sendit.com
- Web
- http://www.sendit.com/ External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 0845 045 102
- Fax
- 028 9043 0460
- Address
- Unit 2
42 The Cutts
Northern Ireland - Notes
- Formerly known as ‘Blackstar’.
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 179 times.