Truth Behind Angels and Demons, The
- Synopsis
- Dan Brown’s best-selling novel Angels and Demons delves into some of the big questions of cosmology and gets into issues about the history of the debate between science and religion. Where did the world come from? Is the universe random or designed? Is there a purpose to life? How come we have a mind? And where is the soul? For many millennia, these questions were treated by religion but in the last 400 years, science has developed. In many cases, scientists were not religious people and the more they started to understand the world without evoking religion, the less room there was for it. This caused friction as religious leaders started to feel like science was impinging on their territory.
At the dawn of the 21st Century, some would say that the tension between science and religion in society has gotten even worse. Taking its cue from Angels and Demons, this documentary explores the areas where science and religion converge. It includes interviews with scientists from the University of Harvard and CERN, law experts, theologians, priests, Vatican authorities, art experts, and professors of history and political science. (50 minutes) - Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Year of release
- 2006
- Year of production
- 2006
- Subjects
- Philosophy; Religious studies; Science
- Keywords
- philosophy of science; religious belief and practice
Online availability
- Price
- $2.99
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Production Company
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- Web
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Record Stats
This record has been viewed 494 times.