Soviet Propaganda Animation (2 Volumes)
- Synopsis
- This collection of animated propaganda was recently recovered from Russia’s television vaults. For the first time in ninety years the West can now see how the Soviets portrayed them. This unique documentary collection brings together the original animators and propaganda films such as Mister Twister, What Hitler Wants, Fascist Boots on Our Homeland, and many others. Vol 1 is entitled AMERICAN IMPERIALISTS AND FASCIST BARBARIANS and Vol 2 is CAPITALIST SHARKS AND COMMUNIST DREAMS. (Each volume consists of 2 discs).
- Language
- Russian
- Country
- Russian Federation
- Year of release
- 2007
- Documentation
- 24-page booklet included
- Subjects
- History; Politics & government
- Keywords
- animation films; Cold War; communism; propaganda; Soviet Union
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Region 2 PAL
- Price
- £14.99
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 240 minutes
- Year
- 2007
- Title
- American Imperialists and Fascist Barbarians
- Title
- Capitalist Sharks and Communist Dreams
- Name
Odeon Entertainment
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 0870 242 6703
- Fax
- 01455 558167
- Address
- Unit 14
Midland Court
Central Park
LE17 4PN
Available from retail outlets
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 671 times.