Comedy of Errors, The
- Synopsis
- Syndicated radio broadcast, directed by Andrew C. Love, of Will Huddleston’s stage production of The Comedy of Errors for the 1976 Oregon Shakespeare Festival. The production was set in an American carnival. The actors playing the Antipholus twins (Barry and Brian Mulholland) were identical twins.
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Medium
- Radio
- Availability
- No archive copy known (2007)
- Subjects
- Drama
- Keywords
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616); Doubling of roles; Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- Director
- Andrew C. Love
- Writer
- William Shakespeare
- Cast
Allen Nause Barry Mulholland Brian Mulholland Cal Winn David Williams Joseph V. De Salvio Roberta Levitow Ruth Cox Virginia Bingham
Production Company
- Name
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- Contact
- Archivist
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- + 541 482 2111
- Address
- 15 S Pioneer Street
Oregon 97520
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 185 times.