Mbc Presents: Historical Perspectives on Political Advertising
- Synopsis
- A recording of one of the series of MBC educational seminars, held on 5/10/1992. Political historian Julian Kanter of the University of Oklahoma presents an overview of political advertising on television from the early black-and white ‘I like Ike’ ads in 1952 to the controversial Willie Horton ads in 1988. 90 minutes.
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Year of release
- 2004
- Year of production
- 1991
- Subjects
- Media studies; Politics & government
- Keywords
- advertising; political campaigns; United States of America
Online availability
- http://www.museum.tv/educationsection.php?page=8#adv
- Price
- free
- Delivery
- Streamed
- Name
Museum of Broadcast Communications (MBC)
- archives@museumtv
- Web
- http://www.museum.tv External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 312-245-8200
- Fax
- 312-245-8207
- Address
- 400 North Street
Suite 240
IL 60610
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 437 times.