Individual Differences in Performance
- Synopsis
- Explores the reasons for individual differences in performance during exercise and sport, focussing on gender differences and differences between trained and untrained individuals. Deals with the following topics: gender differences, anatomy and muscle development - body fat comparisons between males and females, upper body size and strength, other anatomical differences, development of muscle mass; gender differences, oxygen and blood flow - VO2 oxygen uptake, VO2 Max (including calculations), heart and lung volumes, stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output (including calculations); trained vs untrained individuals -training regimes and effects on the cardiovascular system, oxygen and blood.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Australia
- Year of release
- 2004
- Year of production
- 2003
- Subjects
- Sports science
- Keywords
- physical exercise; sports physiology; training; gender differences
Production Company
- Name
Video Education Australasia c/o ClickView
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Address
- Suite 125, Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Road
NSW 2009
Australia - Notes
- UK agents: Boulton Hawker. VEA owned by ClickView.
- Name
Boulton-Hawker Films Ltd
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 01449 616 200
- Fax
- 01449 677 600
- Address
- Combs Tannery
IP14 2EN - Notes
- Distributor of over 400 DVDs and videos for use in teaching at GCSE level and above. Particularly strong in science-based subjects which the company used to produce themselves, but now sources from the USA, Canada and Australasia. Titles cover the subject areas of biology, business studies, careers, chemistry, child development & the family, citizenship, design & technology/food technology, English, geography/ecology, home economics, ICT, maths, media studies, PE/sport studies, physics and PSHE. Sale with free preview.
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 539 times.