Nightmare: The Birth of Horror (4 Parts)
- Synopsis
- A BBC series, written and presented by Professor Christopher Frayling, investigating the origins of our popular gothic novels. These best-selling books have thrived in industries such as film, stage-production, television, comics, advertising and toys, but just how much have the original works been altered since their conception to how they are represented today? The individual episodes are: 1 - Frankenstein; 2 - Dracula; 3 - Jekyll and Hyde; 4 -The Hound of the Baskervilles.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Year of production
- 1996
- Notes
- Broadcast on BBC 1 in four parts on 17/12/96, 18/12/96, 2/1/97, 9/1/97
- Subjects
- English language and literature; Media studies
- Keywords
- literature - English; horror films; horror - novels
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Price
- £125 each or £250 the series
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 4 x 50 minutes
- Year
- 2005
- Title
- Frankenstein
- Synopsis
- First of a four-part series in which Christopher Frayling examines how four horror novels were turned into great myths. This programme is an exploration of what influenced Mary Shelley before and during the writing of her novel. .
- Duration
- 50 mins
- Title
- Dracula
- Synopsis
- Professor Christopher Frayling continues his exploration of 19th Century literary horror classics. He traces the origins of Bram Stoker’s novel, travels in Jonathan Harker’s footsteps to Castle Dracula, and examines Vlad’s changing image.
- Duration
- 50 mins
- Title
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Synopsis
- This programme goes to Edinburgh in search of the truth behind Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Hyde’s development as a sadistic maniac.
- Duration
- 50 mins
- Title
- Hound of the Baskervilles, The
- Synopsis
- In the last in the series Christopher Frayling searches Dartmoor for the origins of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective story and reveals that the tale may not have been his at all. Featuring John Nettles in a cameo role as Sherlock Holmes.
- Duration
- 50 mins
Production Company
- Name
BBC Television
- Name
BBC Active Video for Learning - now BBC Learning
- Contact
- Carolina Fernandez Jeremy Wilcox (CF - for educational enquiries JW - channel sales manager)
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- +44 (0) 20 8433 1009
- Address
- BBC Studios Limited
Television Centre
101 Wood Lane
W12 7FA
UK - Notes
- The BBC Active company has now been absorbed within BBC Learning, a division of BBC Studios. It was originally a joint venture between BBC Worldwide and Pearson Education. Formerly known as ‘BBC Worldwide Learning Studies’ and before that as ‘Videos for Education & Training’
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 4887 times.