Last Party (1993), The
- Synopsis
- Robert Downey Jr reports on the National Democratic Convention in 1992, with a cautionary message to young Americans to start participating in democracy or get the kind of government they deserve. Features interviews with Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Jerry Brown, Spike Lee, Oliver North, Bill Clinton, Peter Jennings and more.
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Year of release
- 1999
- Year of production
- 1993
- Subjects
- Politics & government
- Keywords
- democracy; United States of America; American presidential campaigns
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Price
- $9.90
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 96 minutes
- Year
- 2004
- Name
- Web
- External site opens in new window
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 247 times.