Inventors of the World Series (12 Parts)

Each programme in the series examines the process of invention through some of the monumental accomplishments of one the world’s greatest inventors and their landmark contributions. Explains that no one person creates an invention alone, but that the most famous inventors in history have collaborated with others, often improving upon existing designs or research. The programmes use archival film, photographs and actual drawings and materials to show how inventions have influenced our lives today.
United States
Year of release
Year of production
history of technology; inventions

Distribution Formats

£29.95 each
12 x 23 minutes


Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
A study of Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) who grew up with a keen understanding of sound, speech and the unique challenges faced by those with hearing problems. This video covers Bell’s early life, his work on improving the telegraph, his development of the first telephone, and then highlights his efforts at getting people to accept his revolutionary invention. Goes on to mention Bell’s inventive accomplishments after the telephone. Uses dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials.
23 mins

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Looks at the life of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), a true Renaissance man, examining his incredible curiosity and understanding of the things around him. In addition to designing things as diverse as bridges, construction machines, churches and weapons, he also envisioned, amongst other things, the bicycle, submarine and helicopter. Through the use of dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials, Leonardo da Vinci is brought to life as a man whose brilliant imagination and amazing ability to visualize what he imagined made him not only a great artist, but also one of history’s greatest inventors.
23 mins

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
This video on Thomas Edison (1847-1931) covers not only the development of his breakthrough ideas - including electric lighting, the phonograph and the movie camera - but also what drove him to develop such momentous ideas. In addition to his inventions, Edison is also credited with establishing the first true research laboratory, a virtual ‘invention factory.' Uses dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials.
23 mins

Louis Pasteur (1822-1855)
An introduction to Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), scientist and inventor, who proved that microscopic organisms were the cause of many diseases. An exhaustive experimenter, Pasteur built upon what he had discovered about germs and developed vaccines for a number of diseases, including anthrax and rabies, but he is most famous for the process he invented to destroy harmful germs - pasteurisation. Although not a medical doctor himself, many believe that Louis Pasteur has contributed more to our knowledge of medicine than any other scientist. Uses dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials to illustrate his life and work.
23 mins

James Watt (1746-1819)
Tells the story of James Watt (1736-1819), an industrious Scotsman who set out to improve the efficiency of an existing piece of machinery, and in the process, sparked the Industrial Revolution. Watt produced the first practical steam engine - a machine that was much more efficient and powerful than other engines of the time. Covers Watt’s early life, his work on the steam engine, and how his adaptation of its design enabled it to drive many different types of machinery, resulting in an entirely new way of manufacturing goods. Uses dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials to illustrate the life and work of James Watt.
23 mins

Wright Brothers, The (Orville 1871-1948; Wilbur 1867-1912)
Tells the story of Orville and Wilber Wright, two bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio, through reenactments, photographs and asrchival footage of the brothers themselves. Shows how they realised the dream of human flight by testing their ideas using simple kites, then gliders, to finally build the very first powered airplane, appropriately dubbed ‘The Flyer’ .
23 mins

Henry Ford (1863-1947)
Illustratesa the life and work of Henry Ford (1863-1947) through the use of dramatic recreation, archival films and photographs. Ford was a controversial man with an inventive mind who transformed America both culturally and economically. While Ford’s Model T may have put America on wheels, it was his new manufacturing process that is considered his most valuable innovation. He revolutionized how cars were made by adopting and refining the moving assembly line. Ford’s manufacturing advancements transformed industry, and his automobile transformed American life.
23 mins

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Explores the life and contributions of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), America’s first great inventor. Franklin is seen as being a practical man who felt a great obligation to make the world a better place, inventing many useful things that helped improve people’s everyday lives, including the lightning rod, the ‘Franklin stove’, and bifocal lenses. Driven by his patriotism and supported by his skills as a diplomat, Benjamin Franklin also helped create what might be the greatest of all his inventions - the United States of America. Uses dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials, to illustrate the life and work of Benjamin Franklin.
23 mins

George Washington Carver (1864-1943)
Through the use of dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials, this film profiles George Washington Carver (1847-1922) - teacher, scientist and inventor whose agricultural innovations improved the health, lives, and fortunes of so many people. Carver popularized the idea of crop rotation, urging southern farmers to concentrate less on soil-depleting cotton, and to focus instead on planting different kinds of crops, including soyabeans and peanuts. Perhaps Carver’s most compelling quality was the way he used his ingenuity and keen understanding of botany to help solve problems faced by those in his community who needed it most - poor farmers.
23 mins

Eli Whitney (1746-1825)
In the early 19th century, cotton became king of the economy in the American South. This film on Eli Whitney (1765-1825) explains the events that led to the invention of the cotton gin and the enormous economic changes that resulted, while also addressing its unforeseen impact on slavery in America. Through the use of dramatic recreation, archival films, photographs and actual drawings and materials,the film demonstrares how his creativity, vision and determination helped change the fortunes of a young nation.
23 mins

History of invention, The
This film journeys through time to explore some of the world’s most remarkable innovations in the areas of communication, transportation, agriculture and medicine. Discusses what invention is, how inventions have influenced society over time and how they are patented. Many inventions are actually seen to be improvements to existing ideas - ideas that were previously invented by someone else.
23 mins

Inventing in today’s world
The process of invention has changed a great deal throughout history. This programme showcases modern innovations in the fields of computers, communications and medicine, featuring interviews with some of today’s most fascinating inventors. An explanation of the patent process is included and specific attention is focused on the ‘team’ concept of inventing and how it is used today. Introduces inventors from a variety of backgrounds, emphasizing the fact that everyone is a potential inventor.
23 mins

Production Company


Schlessinger Video Productions



Viewtech Educational Media

NB. Viewtech ceased trading in 2014 and the company’s products are no longer in distribution

Record Stats

This record has been viewed 828 times.