Preserving the Legacy 2: Introduction to Environmental Technology (15 Parts)

Alternative title
Introduction to Environmental Technology
Series dealing with industrial processes and waste stream management.
1: Introduces block flow diagrams and mass balance as ways of identifying and quantifying waste streams. Looks at physical, chemical, thermal and biological treatment technologies and their application to a cross-section of gaseous, liquid and solid waste streams. Introduces concepts of pollution prevention and waste minimisation.
2: Shows various physical separation methods - bar screens, belt filters, filter presses, deep bed or dual media filters, centrifuges, baghouses, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, coagulation and flocculation, evaporation ponds, air stripping, distillation, electrostatic precipitation, and adsorption.
3: Explains and illustrates chemical treatment methods - neutralisation, precipitation, oxidation and reduction.
4: Explains and illustrates incineration methods - reciprocating grate, multiple hearth, rotary kiln and plasma arc thermal treatment units. Also examines the application of pyrolysis or ‘starved’ oxygen thermal treatment and the wet air oxidation method (Zimpro).
5: Examines the biological treatment methods that use plants and microorganisms to concentrate and degrade wastes. Demonstrates the diversity of biological - aerobic, anaerobic and facultative - and bioremediation land farming, air sparging, bio-cell, fixed-film bio-reactor and phytoremediation - technologies.
6: Looks at pollution prevention and the minimisation of waste as they relate to air issues. Two case studies: 1) how a major petroleum producer approached development, marketing, and lobbying to promote a less polluting and disruptive solution to car exhaust emissions; 2) the emmission problems faced by a dry cleaning firm.
7: Examines concepts involved in pollution prevention and the minimisation of waste as they relate to water isues. Case studies examine product substitution as a means of solving legal and environmental problems in the paper industry and alternative ways of cleaning and reclaiming in the screen-printing industry to avoid the use of volatile organic solvents and waste water streams.
8: Examines the exploration, production and transportation of crude oil an covers the drilling process, the use of an enhanced or secondary recovery technique known as ‘steam flood’, the use of a producing oil field as an ecological preserve, and the environmental and regulatory concerns associated with the production and transport of crude oil.
9: Follows a team of auditors through a major petroleum refinery as the engineers seek to improve waste minimisation strategies. Uses animation to depict a refinery’s labyrinthine maze of pipes and tanks. The coker and sulphur recovery units demonstrate the conversion of wastes into useful products.
10. Looks at companies that manufacture chemicals for use in other industries, including petrochemical plastics, sulphuric acid and inorganic chemicals. Demonstrates the bulk handling and processing of chemicals, pressurised vessel reactions and environmental monitoring.
11: Looks at the processes involved in modern electroplating and metal finishing, focusing on different types of plating systems and precleaning techniques, and the varying impacts of these processes on waste generation.
12: Looks at the chemicals and processes involved in making semiconductors, microchips and integrated circuits. Demonstrates efforts being made by the electronics industry to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste streams and looks at a new industry designed to reclaim and reuse valuable materials from discarded computers and other electronic equipment.
13: Looks at modern paper mills and introduces the most common pulping processes - kraft, mechanical and recycling, and papermaking processes, bleaching methods and the draft liquor recovery cycle.
14: Studies the surface coating industry, looking at various processes used to apply the coatings and at several innovative surface-stripping methods. Reviews ways in which the industry has attempted to reduce its harmful emissions through reformulation and product substitution.
15: Surveys processes involved in agriculture and food production and studies agricultural water issues. Looks at processing in the citrus, sugar and food packaging industries and considers the work McDonald’s restaurants has put into reducing packaging waste.
United States
Video; Videocassette. VHS. col. 15 x 30 min.
Year of production
Out OF Distribution; 2001 sale: £12.75 (+VAT inc. p&p) each part 2001 sale: £75.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) whole set
Accompanying teaching guide with each part.
Ages 16 and up.
Environmental science; Technology
industrial processes; waste management


Introduction to wastestream management
1: Introduces block flow diagrams and mass balance as ways of identifying and quantifying waste streams. Looks at physical, chemical, thermal and biological treatment technologies and their application to a cross-section of gaseous, liquid and solid waste

Physical treatment technologies
2: Shows various physical separation methods - bar screens, belt filters, filter presses, deep bed or dual media filters, centrifuges, baghouses, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, coagulation and flocculation, evaporation ponds, air stripping, distillatio

Chemical treatment techologies
3: Explains and illustrates chemical treatment methods - neutralisation, precipitation, oxidation and reduction.

Thermal treatment technologies
4: Explains and illustrates incineration methods - reciprocating grate, multiple hearth, rotary kiln and plasma arc thermal treatment units. Also examines the application of pyrolysis or 'starved' oxygen thermal treatment and the wet air oxidation method

Biological treatment technologies
5: Examines the biological treatment methods that use plants and microorganisms to concentrate and degrade wastes. Demonstrates the diversity of biological - aerobic, anaerobic and facultative - and bioremediation land farming, air sparging, bio-cell, fi

Pollution prevention: clearing the air
6: Looks at pollution prevention and the minimisation of waste as they relate to air issues. Two case studies: 1) how a major petroleum producer approached development, marketing, and lobbying to promote a less polluting and disruptive solution to car exh

Pollution prevention: bridging troubled waters
7: Examines concepts involved in pollution prevention and the minimisation of waste as they relate to water isues. Case studies examine product substitution as a means of solving legal and environmental problems in the paper industry and alternative ways

Petroleum production and transportation
8: Examines the exploration, production and transportation of crude oil an covers the drilling process, the use of an enhanced or secondary recovery technique known as 'steam flood', the use of a producing oil field as an ecological preserve, and the envi

Petroleum refining and waste minimization
9: Follows a team of auditors through a major petroleum refinery as the engineers seek to improve waste minimisation strategies. Uses animation to depict a refinery's labyrinthine maze of pipes and tanks. The coker and sulphur recovery units demonstrate t

Chemical industries, The
10. Looks at companies that manufacture chemicals for use in other industries, including petrochemical plastics, sulphuric acid and inorganic chemicals. Demonstrates the bulk handling and processing of chemicals, pressurised vessel reactions and environme

Metal plating and finishing industries, The
11: Looks at the processes involved in modern electroplating and metal finishing, focusing on different types of plating systems and precleaning techniques, and the varying impacts of these processes on waste generation.

Semiconductor and electronics industries, The
12: Looks at the chemicals and processes involved in making semiconductors, microchips and integrated circuits. Demonstrates efforts being made by the electronics industry to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste streams and looks at a new industry designed

Papermaking industry, The
13: Looks at modern paper mills and introduces the most common pulping processes - kraft, mechanical and recycling, and papermaking processes, bleaching methods and the draft liquor recovery cycle.

Paint and surface coating industries, The
14: Studies the surface coating industry, looking at various processes used to apply the coatings and at several innovative surface-stripping methods. Reviews ways in which the industry has attempted to reduce its harmful emissions through reformulation a

Food and agriculture industries, The
15: Surveys processes involved in agriculture and food production and studies agricultural water issues. Looks at processing in the citrus, sugar and food packaging industries and considers the work McDonald's restaurants has put into reducing packaging w

Production Company





Resources in Training & Education Ltd

Donald Hill, Mark Brady
Web External site opens in new window
01749 689027
01749 689027
26 Lower Chapel Court
South Horrington
Probably no longer in business (2009)

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