Latest on: BUFVC Publications
Media Screen Round-up August 2018
Published: 13 September 2018The round-up of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research and published at Learning on Screen by Jose de Esteban. We highlight a group of ten articles published in the journal Diplomatic History which discuss Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s 18-hour documentary, The Vietnam War. Plenty of viewing and reading […]
Media Screen Round-up June & July 2018
Published: 13 August 2018The round-up of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research and published at Learning on Screen by Jose de Esteban. Our summer highlights focus on sports and the cult of the body: More than Munich 1972: Media, Emotions, and the Body in TV Broadcast of the 20th Summer Olympics Exercise […]
Viewfinder 102: The Shakespeare on Screen Issue
Published: 18 March 2016The Shakespeare on Screen Issue: BBC and BUFVC Shakespeare, Spaghetti Westerns and the BUFVC Library opens its doors.
Viewfinder: The Film Issue
Published: 30 November 2015The Film Issue: looks at Gothic Horror, Italian Moviegoers and Sixties British Cinema; plus The Prisons Memory Archive and the ADAPT TV project.
100th issue of Viewfinder
Published: 2 October 2015We celebrate the 100th issue of Viewfinder by looking at its long history along with the latest news, reviews and features.
Summer edition of Viewfinder now out
Published: 28 May 2015Viewfinder 99 includes articles on MOOCs, Science fiction and science fact, digital preservation and surviving PHDs.
Spring edition of VIEWfinder is here
Published: 2 March 2015Viewfinder 98 includes articles on the launch of the Globe Theatre’s new video-on-demand platform, using storytelling in video learning and the archives celebrating the Women’s Liberation Movement.
The new Viewfinder is out
Published: 24 November 2014Viewfinder 97 includes articles on the return of 3-D, expanding archival access into the community with Pararchive, virtual archeology in ancient Rome, Bollywood Shakespeare and much more.
The Autumn Viewfinder is here
Published: 30 September 2014Viewfinder 96 includes articles on new copyright exceptions, women’s contrubutions to British film & TV, the Anti-Apartheid Archives, the new ‘Earth in Vision’ project, early bible cinema and much more.
Summer edition of Viewfinder now available
Published: 22 May 2014Viewfinder 95 includes articles on the British Library Newsroon, community filmmaking, 4K digital in education and much more.