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  1. Power of the Purse, The (1993 Video)

    Geoff Wheeler
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min.

    Looks at the way local management of schools is affecting education now that it has been in operation for several years. Visits a middle school and a high school, and considers for each school how LMS is...

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  2. Translation: Myth or Reality? (1996 Video)

    Information technology
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS (PAL or NTSC). col. 82 min., 1997 sale: US$39.99 (+p&p)

    A panel discussion debating the two major schools of thought in object-oriented technology - are they fundamentally different, or are they variations on an object-oriented theme? Both schools claim to define...

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  3. Windows on the World (1998 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 29 min., 2000 sale: £16.89 (+VAT inc p&p)

    Looks at the benefits to schools of linking with schools in other countries and examines the practicalities of making such links using e-mail, videoconferencing and the Internet. Uses examples of successful...

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  4. White Robe of Churches, The (1986 Video)

    Architecture; Religious studies
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. VHS. col. 21 min.

    Illustrates the historical and architectural development of English abbeys and churches from Saxon times, with special reference to St Albans Abbey, Hertfordshire.

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  5. Place for Music, A (1980 Film)

    Simon Heaven
    Film (16mm)

    An overview of the Schools Council project ‘Music in the Secondary School Curriculum’ seen through its operation in a number of schools. Shows first to fifth-year pupils as they are encouraged to listen,...

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  6. Care of Small Mammals in Schools (1987 Video)

    Jenny Poland
    Education; Veterinary science
    Sale (RSPCA only), Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 20 min., 1997 hire: £13.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) (RVC UVCE)

    Explains to school teachers the advantages and disadvantages of keeping rats, mice and gerbils in schools. Discusses different types of accommodation, diet, handling and sexing. Concludes with a short...

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  7. Clause and Effect (1987 Video)

    Suzanne Aphea; Jane Bentham
    Politics & government
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 20 min.

    A discussion on the legislation (Section 28 of the Local Government Bill) forbidding local authorities to promote homosexuality in schools. Derek Jarman talks about sexuality, the persecution of gays, the...

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  8. Democracy: Fact or Fiction? (1993 Video)

    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min.

    Outlines various models of school management and their applicability to two case study schools. Considers how far the heads’ claims of a democratic system are true in practice.

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  9. One Child in Five: Organisational Strategies - Secondary Schools (1983 Video)

    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 26 min.

    Should children with special educational needs be the responsibility of the whole staff? Should they have access to the whole curriculum? First shows excerpts from a staff meeting where these policies are...

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  10. Steps to Learning: Modern Languages and Special Educational Needs (1994 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 20 min., £10.00 (inc VAT +p&p)

    Video pack which aims to provide practical support for teachers of children with special needs, both in mainstream and in special schools. Shows classroom practice in seven schools, including those for...

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21-30 of 577 results | Page 3 of 58
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