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NoS synopsis: notes on poise and pace.
Television broadcast of Verdi’s opera staged by Lluis Pasqual and directed for television by Jan de Roode. The Netherlands Opera and the Royal Concertgebouw are conducted by Riccardo Chailly. Bruno Pratico...
NoS Summary - Follows the 52-mile London to Brighton Pace-Setters walk. Participants includ the Duke of Leinster, MP Biggs-Davison and the Marquis of Bath.
NoS Summary - Young women perform various exercise routines - some are schoolgirls British Pathe synopsis: "One of the things generally overlooked in these days of high speed living, is poise. And one way...
NoS Summary - Women pack oranges in warehouse - probably a speed packing competition. NoS synopsis: "Not the kind that hang about Vesuvius, but the fastest "craters" (or packers) in California." High angle...
NoS Summary - Eve on the river and French Eves playing rugby. British Pathe synopsis: Scenes of a lazy day on the river. Two women relax on pillows in a boat rowed by a man. They are protected from the sun...
NoS synopsis: Miners learn about mountaineering in Snowdonia NCB Commentary - A bus load of young miners - 40 lads from the Yorkshire Coalfield arrive in Snowdonia for a week’s adventure course in the...
NoS Summary - Santos Casani and Jose Lennard new steps for foxtrot and waltz. British Pathe synopsis: "Glide smoothly" is the watchword for 1929 dancers - especially in the fox-trot" Santos Casani and Jose...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: On Circuit. DESCRIPTION: The Miracle Mile Trotting Race is won in a new record time by the Tasmanian champion Halwes. Teams from Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Russia and Britain compete in an...
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