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General appraisal of the patient, proceeding to examination by system. Checklists are placed at the head of each section so that the student may deal with the whole programme at one sitting or study each...
Aims to apprise the student of the thoroughness needed to conduct a useful examination and the sensitivity required to assess the patient’s responses to tests. Gives a general assessment of the patient,...
A brief introduction to the process of growth in long bones prefaces four computer-animation sequences that simulate cell division and maturation in the cartilage columns of the growth plate. Three cell...
Shows germination of ‘Didymium nigripes’ spores on agar. Detailed shots include structure of myxamoeba during phagocytosis, nuclear and cell division, encystment following deprivation of food, release of...
The observation of the behaviour of atta ants, whose normal habitat is equatorial America, was made possible for the first time due to experiments conducted in the laboratory. Gives a detailed study of a...
The four bands of this DVD consist entirely of computer-generated animations showing features of complex arithmetic, complex functions and limiting processes. The band on complex arithmetic demonstrates...
Looks at the days of advertising before television and the Internet and provides an insight into the marketing strategies implemented from the 1930s to 1950. Back before the days of high technology...
A 26-part series covering in detail, with many examples, the theory and technology behind the development of television advertising in the United States from the 1950s to the 1970s. Many of the films were...
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