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MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Safety Kerb Demonstration. DESCRIPTION: A new safety kerb was recently demonstrated in Melbourne. A Danish invention consisting of reinforced concrete sections erected on well buried...
Captured German film of German U-boats returning to port and entering reinforced concrete pens.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: ‘U’ Boat Wolf Pack. DESCRIPTION: Recently captured German film shows the triumphant return of a U-boat wolf pack. SHOTLIST: Cut story - (Library material) Interior of submarine,...
NoS Summary - statues in concrete which are to decorate the exterior of a French church. British Pathe synopsis: "A French Sculptor has perfected the making of Statuary in reinforced concrete, notably in the...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Cathedral in Concrete. DESCRIPTION: An impression of Liverpool’s new Roman Catholic Cathedral - sixteen flying buttresses supporting a cone shaped structure which will tower three...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Concrete Sleepers. DESCRIPTION: British Rail plans a firm foundation for tomorrow to judge from the most unusual railway line in the country. A continuous stretch of reinforced...
BFI synopsis: The contract for Solway Chemicals in West Cumbria. Here we see civil engineering work involving large, heavily reinforced concrete structures for a chemical works where cement will be produced...
COI synopsis: Ever since the time of Leonardo da Vinci - builders have worked from detailed drawings - involving thousands of man hours of painstakingly accurate labour. Now a firm of consulting engineers...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Road in the Sky. DESCRIPTION: Columns of reinforced concrete support the Chiswick flyover. The flyover is the first section of the huge viaduct at Brentford which has been connected to...
Pathe Synoposis - Increasingly more of Britain is becoming streamlined to keep pace with the enormous growth of road-packing traffic. Latest on the list of time-and-temper-saving boons to the motorist is the...
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