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  1. Pneumonia: Long Term Care Setting (Video)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 28 min., 1996 sale: £75.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Looks at predisposing factors in the development of pneumonia in old people and steps in preventing it in a health care facility. Focuses on nursing assessment skills and emphasises the sometimes unique...

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  2. Developing Skills: Birth to Walking (1986 Video)

    Medical sciences; Psychology
    Film (16mm)

    Shows the development of babies from birth to walking. Aspects of motor development shown include head control, grasping, sitting, crawling and walking.

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  3. Holding the Line (2003)

    FE; Mental Health and Counselling; Social welfare
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 72 minutes), £50.00

    The telephone provides many people with their primary means of accessing information and seeking support. This video covers the key issues that anyone needs to bear in mind if their work involves them in...

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  4. More Than a Gut Feeling (1986)

    Business studies
    Hire, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 20 minutes), £295.00

    Teaches interviewers how to plan their interviews by drawing up a list of interview questions, getting behavioural examples in the interview, and then rating the interviewees’ skills to see how they match...

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  5. Conflict Resolution: A Winning Approach (1997 Video)

    Social welfare
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 16 min., 1997 sale: £37.60 (inc. VAT +p&p)

    Resolving a conflict is about communicating more effectively so that a resolution can meet both person’s needs. Uses a light-hearted dramatisation of a teenager’s family difficulties to illustrate ways...

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  6. Teaching Adults to Read (1977 Film, Video)

    Tony Othen
    Film (16mm)

    Based on Tom MacFarlane’s book of the same title, the film sets out to demonstrate the wide range of reading activities that can be used.

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  7. Teaching Reading Video Pack (1992 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 60 min., 1998 sale: £29.99 (inc VAT +p&p)

    Discusses issues such what is meant by a fluent reader, as how people learn to read and how to help those with difficulties.

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  8. Catering Skills: Behind the Scenes

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 24 minutes), £39.00

    This DVD covers the main practical skills needed when catering for an event and running a restaurant, in particular the preparation and presentation of meals. It also looks at topics including the use of...

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  9. Learning Needs Interview, The (1996)

    Business studies
    Sale Hire, VHS (PAL, 20 min), £875 sale £140 hire

    A video-based package to help managers develop the interpersonal skills they need to carry out a learning needs interview. Shows how to get the learner thinking about their overall objectives and the skills,...

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  10. Teenagers in Trouble: Skills for Parents (2000 Video)

    John Coleman
    Social welfare
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 45 min., 2000 sale: £9.99 (+VAT +p&p) parents’ pack 2000 sale: £23.50 (+VAT +p&p) facilitator’s pack

    Provides advice for parents of troubled teenagers through the use of acted scenarios. Raises issues including: dealing with anger and other strong feelings, communication, boundaries, negotiation, parent...

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