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  1. Infection Hazards of Intravenous Infusions. Part 1: Peripheral Lines (1980 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Audiocassette. 24 min.; 72 slides. col.

    Discusses the nature and incidence of intrinsic and extrinsic infection hazards. Reviews the aetiology of dripsite infection and deals with the infection control aspects of intravenous infusion procedure.

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  2. Basic Concepts in Infection Control. Part 1: Infection (1981 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Audiocassette. 40 min. Cassettes available with silent 1000Hz pulses or with ‘bleeps’ to signal timing for manual slide change.; 80 slides. col.

    Section 1 describes the nature of infection, how it harms the patient, how and why it arises and discusses prevention and treatment. Section 2 examines the classification of microorganisms and describes...

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  3. Urinary Tract Infection: Its Prevention in the Catheterised Patient (1980 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Audiocassette. 30 min.; slides. col.

    Choosing the correct catheter, aseptic techniques and catheter care. Continual and intermittent drainage are described and bacteriology and infection control considered in depth.

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  4. Battle Against Infection (1988 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 10 min., 1996 sale: £15.00 (inclusive)

    Shows how infection control can be managed in hospitals.

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  5. Infection Hazards of Respiratory Therapy Equipment (1983 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Audiocassette.; 80 slides. col.

    25% of all infections acquired in hospitals are infections of the respiratory tract. It is known that a major factor in the spread of respiratory tract infection within hospitals is the use of anaesthetic...

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  6. Parvovirus Infection in Pigs (1992 Video)

    Veterinary science
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 11 min., 1997 sale: £38.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Porcine parvovirus infection is the main cause of the pig disease syndrome known as SMEDI. Examines the SMEDI syndrome and discusses practical methods of protecting pigs from parvovirus infection.

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  7. Bacterial Infection of Wounds (1979 Video)

    Mirek Dohnal
    Medical sciences
    Free loan, Videocassette. VHS. col. 20 min.

    Discusses the causes of wound infection, classification and identification of bacteria and the treatment of infection. Includes the development of antiseptics and antibiotics and discusses the rationale for...

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  8. AIDS: Infection Control (1988 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Free loan to members, Videocassette. VHS. col. 13 min.

    Relates how the HIV virus can be contracted. Emphasises the need for care in infection control and how other viruses are more resilient than HIV.

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  9. Infection Control in Nursing. Part 4: Obstetrics (1976 Film, Video)

    Medical sciences
    Film (16mm)

    Describes obstetric techniques commonly used and their importance in the control of infection in the maternity unit. Shows the correct technique for vaginal examination by the midwife and describes...

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  10. Surgical Wound Infections: Prevention and Treatment (1981 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Audiocassette. 35 min.; 80 slides. col.

    Briefly describes wound healing by first and second intention and discusses financial, social and personal implications of surgical wound infections. Considers the factors which predispose a wound to...

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