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1,871-1,880 of 1,937 results | Page 188 of 194
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  1. Dialogue, The: Learning from the Masters Series (2007)

    English language and literature; Film studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 80 minutes each), £13.95 each or £29.95 for compilations

    THE DIALOGUE is a series of in-depth interviews with some of today’s most successful Hollywood writers. Host Mike De Luca, president of production at New Line Cinema, gets writers to share their work...

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  2. D.I.Y. Or die: How to Survive As an Independent Artist (2003)

    aka: D.I.Y. Or die: Burn This DVD

    Arts and Humanities; Philosophy
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 55 minutes), £15.99

    Contains interviews with nearly 30 artists, including many musicians as well as a few writers, filmmakers, painters, a sculptor and photographer and questions them in respect of their thoughts toward the...

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  3. Making of Poetry, The (2000)

    English language and literature
    Sale, CD-ROM (Hybrid), £69.00

    Shows how poetry comes to be written. By exploring the lives of a number of English Poets - Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Hopkins, Hardy and Owen - together with some of the poems they wrote, this CD-ROM...

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  4. Voluntary Matters - Second Series (1999 Video)

    Social welfare
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 2 x 90 min., 2000 sale: £30.00 (inclusive) pair

    Six programmes presenting detailed case studies of voluntary organisations for training in dealing with common problems and day-to-day concerns. An expert provides an overview of each topic, and staff,...

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  5. It’s a Jungle out There / International Management: The Survival Guide (1994 Video)

    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 60 min., 2001 sale: £100.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    1) Follows eight managers from Europe and the USA as they travel to Botswana to undertake a range of projects on behalf of the charity Raleigh International as part of an ‘active learning’ programme for...

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  6. Bully Beware: Bullying and Harassment at Work (2006)

    Sale Hire, DVD (Region 0 PAL, 20, 32 & 49 minutes), On request

    BULLY BEWARE is a complete training and action kit for organisations that are serious about preventing bullying and harassment at work, and dealing with them when they occur. The videos are build around...

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  7. Dealing with Customers: The Car Showroom

    Business studies
    Sale, VHS (PAL, 19 minutes), £45.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Shows how to handle a potential customer. A range of interpersonal skills are demonstrated including: greeting, using customers’ names, building rapport, closing, using eye contact, asking questions,...

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  8. Successful Interviewing (1989 Video)

    Tony Roberts
    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 3 x 40 min., 1997 sale: £195.00 (+VAT +p&p) each

    Three packages addressing the full range of interview situations in management situations. The drama-based programmes follow the staff of MacGregor Mouldings as they develop successful techniques to avoid...

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  9. Presentation Skills Double Pack (1987)

    Business studies
    Sale, VHS (PAL, 48 minutes), £199.00

    Two programmes demonstrating the skills needed for making a successful presentation.

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  10. Training Trainers to Train (3 Parts) (1996 Video)

    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 33, 30, 35 min., 1997 sale: £195.00 (+VAT +p&p) each 1997 sale: £550.00 (+VAT +p&p) set

    A video-based tutorial on training techniques, developed with the assistance of training professionals mostly drawn from the pharmaceutical, microelectronics and engineering industries. 1: Analysis of...

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1,871-1,880 of 1,937 results | Page 188 of 194
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