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  1. Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution (2008)

    Jean-Paul Jaud
    Agriculture; French studies

    The documentary begins with a visit to a small village in France, where the town’s mayor has decided to make the school lunch menu organic and locally grown. It then talks to a wide variety of people with...

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  2. Problem Solving with the Microcomputer (1986 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 17 min.

    Shows pupils using computer programs to explore kitchen design (TASK), to analyse nutritional content of food (MICRODIET), food costs (BEEBCALC) and in creative design (MOSAIC).

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  3. Feeding Frenzy: Convenient Cuisine & Clever Food (2006)

    Business studies; Catering
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 60 minutes), £75.00

    Two programmes on the new food revolution, made in a collaboration between the BBC’s MONEY PROGRAMME and the Open University’s Open Business School. FEEDING FRENZY: CONVENIENT CUISINE - Max Flint...

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  4. Pride of Place (2006)

    Dorothea Gazidis; Kim Longinotto
    Education; Film Studies; Sociology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 59 minutes), £50.00

    PRIDE OF PLACE was made as as a first project while Longinotto was a student at the National Film and Television School. As a teenager, she had been sent to a girls’ boarding school in an old, isolated...

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  5. Cafeteria Man (2012)

    Catering; Health Education
    Sale, DVD (Region 1 NTSC, 65 minutes), $250.00

    It is estimated that 32 million school children consume up to 50% of their calories at school, contributing to the obesity epidemic among young people. This film takes a look at Tony Geraci’s sweeping,...

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  6. Integrating the Micro into Home Economics (1986 Video)

    Hire Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 20 min.

    Looks at how one teacher organises a practical nutrition lesson for a class of mixed-ability third-year pupils using a microcomputer. Based on the topic of school meals, the session allows some of the pupils...

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  7. Always on the Go (1999 Video)

    Education; Psychology; Social welfare
    Sale, VHS (PAL, 35 minutes), £30.00

    Discusses attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). Asks if hyperactive children are normal but naughty and whether the condition results from bad parenting, food additives, or may be genetically...

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  8. Trobriand Islanders of Papua New Guinea (1990 Video)

    David Wason
    David Wason
    Anthropology; Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 52 min., 2005 sale: £50.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    The inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea, a group of small tropical atolls, are renowned for their rich yam production and the high drama of their harvest activities. Some...

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  9. Interactive Learning in Dermatology (1998)

    Veterinary science
    Sale, CD-ROM (PC Version), £24.00

    CD-ROM containing two programmes, CRUSTING AND SCALING DERMATOSES IN DOGS and ALLERGIC SKIN DISEASES IN DOGS, designed to guide the clinician towards an understanding of the cutaneous diseases of domestic...

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  10. Not-So-Fair Trade & Bye Bye Nine-To-Five (2006)

    Business studies; Economics; Social Studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 60 minutes), £34.99

    Two programmes dealing with specific social and ethical aspects of business, made in a collaboration between the BBC’s MONEY PROGRAMME and the Open University’s Open Business School.

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