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BFI synopsis: Miners from Snowdown Colliery practice water-skiing off Folkestone. NCB Commentary - After their nightshift Bill Roberts and his mates - maintenance workers at Kent’s Snowdon colliery - head...
BFI synopsis: the ingenious invention used by lead miners on the Isle of Man. NCB Commentary - The Isle of Man. People come to the Island for the sea - the countryside - and the amusements. But one of the...
BFI synopsis: two Scottish pits, Valleyfield and Kinneil, which face each other across the waters of the Forth, are anticipating a productive future through an under-river link. NCB Commentary - At the...
BFI synopsis: a house in Croydon is to be converted to modern fuel-burning appliances NCB Commentary - In this typical three bedroomed house in Crodon live the Williams family, Tom Williams, his wife...
BFI synopsis: Mining and weaving in the Scottish village of East Emyss NCB Commentary - East Wemyss is a little mining village on the shores of the Firth of Forth. The sea, once the source of livelihood, is...
BFI synopsis: two canal enthusiasts who ferry coal from Staffordshire to Worcester in their own barge NCB Commentary - At Anglesea Canal Basin by Brownhills, Staffs, narrow boats are being loaded with small...
BFI synopsis: Underground canals draining Lancashire pits. NCB Commentary - There’s no more coal coming out of Ellesmere Pit, near Manchester. To-day Ellesmere is a pumping station. 200 years ago the...
BFI synopsis: Sid Chaplin, author and miner, presents a view of Co. Durham, past, present and future. NCB Commentary - This is the county where I was born - County Durham - a tight little kingdom which...
NoS synopsis: A made-on-the-spot, do-it-yourself sea-boring tower helps in plotting the coal seams underwater in the Firth of Forth. NCB Commentary - The big Kinneal Colliery on the banks of the Firth of...
BFI synopsis: Nantgarw coke oven plant NCB Commentary - At Nantgarw in South Wales is one of the world’s most up-to-date coke oven and by-product plants. Here’s how it works. There are 48 coke ovens....
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