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Neurological tests, emphasising a systematic routine. As the physician demonstrates each phase of the test he describes the technique.
Consists of 16 shots of blood pressure readings on a standard sphygmomanometer. Intended to be used to illustrate some of the problems of observer variation encountered in measuring blood pressure, and to...
Princess Diana gives a speech at the opening of a drug clinic. She talks about drug addiction and the affect it has on families.
Looks at professional communication in a clinical setting, noting the fact that patients can become anxious and worried and observing the ways staff cope when working in stressful situations. Follows two...
An illustration of the assessment made of a baby girl at one, two, three, six, nine and 18 months.
A brief survey of the conditions putting old people at risk of hypothermia, of research into the condition and of initiatives taken by some local authorities to reduce the risk and the incidence. Looks at...
Concerns an application for a change in use of premises from a baker’s shop to a fish and chip shop and restaurant. Part 1 deals with the initial meeting of the Appellant and the District Planning Officer...
Several systems for communicating with those who have hearing problems are discussed and examples of non-verbal communication illustrated. The languages described include British Sign Language and Makaton....
Reflex arc; monosynaptic and polysynaptic stretch of reflexes; muscle spindle; Golgi tendon organ; classification of nerve fibres; alpha and gamma motorneurons; reciprocal innervation; flexor and crossed...
Demonstrates the birth of a baby by Caesarean section, showing the standard technique of lower segment section; prinicpal indications; details of procedures, sterilisation.
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