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  1. The Business Programme No.13 (1988)

    The Business Programme, broadcast on Monday evenings and presented by Rob Thomas. TRACK 1- American contract for Westland Helicopter subsidiary - The Portsmouth Company which is to float on the American...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. The Business Programme No.7 (1988)

    The Business Programme, broadcast on Monday evenings and presented by Rob Thomas. TRACK 1- Eastleigh [Southampton] Airport - Tonight, the new owner of Eastleigh Airport. With 1992 coming and business...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Hobby Horse No.2: short programmes about hobbies - nd [1975-1986]

    Hobby Horse No.2: short programmes about hobbies -nd [1975-1986] presented by Roger Kennedy. Track 1- Flying. Sue Hamilton of the Flying School talks about this hobby. She explains everything you need to...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. D-Day Remembered: Documentary with reminiscences of wartime (1984)

    D-DAY REMEMBERED [Series RADIO VICTORY ARCHIVE] A documentary, broadcast on Radio Victory, 6 June 1984, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy during World War Two, using the...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. Ocean Sound’s First Birthday features (1987)

    Ocean Sound’s First Birthday features. Track 2- Ref to opening of Ocean Sound in Dec 1986. Many topics also featured in AV35/OSTW programmes. Other cross-references are:- trk 2 - AV35/PC1-3/S1; track 8-...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio