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This week updates to websites in the fields of biological research, multimedia training, chemistry and experimental/art films. SpectraSchool A site entirely devoted to spectroscopy, produced in close...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,550 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or...
Do you work with moving image and sound or support those that do? Join us to gain some new skills this autumn. All BUFVC courses are delivered by expert practitioners in the field of moving image and...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes nearly 1,500 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes nearly 1,400 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new...
The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research. View a list of nominated entries for the 2012 Learning on...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,500 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,400 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or ...
Findanyfilm.com FindAnyFilm.com is an impressive website for anyone wanting to discover whether a particular film is currently available to watch, buy, download or rent in the UK in any format. The free...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,200 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or...