New on the BUFVC Moving Image Gateway

The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,550 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email, telephone or visit the Gateway at

Albanian Film Archive
The Archive is making its holdings freely available online thanks to an ongoing programme of preservation and digitisation. Users need to register in order to be able to view the online collections which include feature films, documentaries, animations and newsreels, largely consisting of the productions from one single state-owned entity, the New Albania studio, which started production in 1952 and was closed in 1992. The films provide a fascinating insight into a society which, under Enver Hoxha’s extreme brand of Stalinism, became one of the most closed in Europe. The site is available in English, as well as Albanian, with synopses and detailed credits available in both languages. More information about the background to the preservation programme is available at The Albanian Cinema Project.

Europeana Sounds
Scheduled to run from February 2014 to January 2017, Europeana Sounds is a project co-funded by the European Commission and the Europeana Sounds consortium. The project is dedicated to opening up access to Europe’s shared sonic heritage, and celebrating the diversity and creativity of sound in everyday life. Throughout the lifespan of the project, the website will be a space dedicated to listening, discussion and discovery. It aims to feature regular contributions from all of the institutions involved in the project, from Athens to the Isle of Skye. Currently users can explore six different categories on the website: Oral Memories and the Spoken Word; Languages and Dialect; World and Traditional Music; Soundscapes and Natural Sounds; Classical Music; and Popular Music. Each category has its own page with information about what users can expect to hear as the project progresses, together with a selection of representative samples, which will increase as the project progresses.

Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive
Indiana University’s moving image archive is one of the largest and most comprehensive academic film collections in the world. Particularly noteworthy is its vast educational film collection, which includes career training films, U.S. Department of War productions, and more than 5,600 programs produced by the National Educational Television (NET) network, the precursor to PBS. A selection of over 200 digitised films from the archive is now freely available to view online. With prominence given to the educational films, this resource provides a valuable window into the history and development of the use of moving image in education and covers a wide range of academic subjects including African American Studies, Anatomy and Physiology, Film Studies, Psychology and Teacher Education. The collection covers over eight decades, from 1909 to 1994, but the majority of films are from the 1950s, 60s and 70s. The standard of the clips is generally good but in many cases the deterioration of the original film is inevitably reflected in quality of the digital object itself.
This resource is an interactive archive and exhibition space devoted to Jack Kerouac and connected topics, particularly relating to Lowell, Massachusetts, the city of Kerouac’s birth and childhood. There is a nice selection of audio recordings, taken from a large of collection of Kerouac-related material owned by the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The recordings feature contributions from Kerouac’s childhood friends, as well as fellow-writers William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, covering subjects such as Kerouac’s sexuality, the idea of the ‘vision quest’, religion, childhood, life on the road, and, less obviously Kerouac’s similarity to the Fonz from the television show Happy Days. A small selection of video clips feature Professor Todd Tietchen discussing the first part of Kerouac’s first novel, The Town and the City, as well as a clip of Allen Ginsberg speaking at UMass Lowell. The audiovisual resources are complemented by links and a bibliography.

Software Engineering Radio
This podcast is aimed at professional software developers but its aim – ‘to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast’ – means that it is suitable for use in teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The discussions are generally not devoted to specific platforms or vendors, but deal with concepts, issues and strategies that can be applied to different aspects of software engineering.

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