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Caliban's words from Shakespeare's The Tempest have provided artistic director Danny Boyle with the inspiration for the Olympics opening awards ceremony theme: 'Isles of Wonder'. For details about...
'Global Shakespeare' is the theme of a forthcoming special issue pf the Journal of British Shakespeare Association special issue. The BSA's Shakespeare journal welcomes papers on Shakespeare in performance...
Twenty-First Century TV: Television in the Digital Era Postgraduate Conference 12 May 2015 The University of Northampton This one day conference aims to bring together postgraduate students working on...
The Fan Studies Symposium 30 November 2013 University of East Anglia Keynote: Professor Matt Hills (Aberystwyth University) We invite abstracts of no more than 300 words for individual twenty minute...
The BBC has launched Democracy Live, an iPlayer-style website that shows live and on-demand coverage of Parliamentary sessions across the UK and of the European Parliament. Each institution is featured in...
The Journal of European Television History and Culture welcomes paper proposals for its third issue dedicated to 'European TV Memories', guest-edited by Jérôme Bourdon (Tel Aviv Univeristy) and Berber...
Google has annouced that automated captioning will be rolled out to YouTube. Only 13 channels will initially use this system which combines speech recognition with manual captioning. YouTube already...
VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture devotes its 9th issue (Spring 2016) to TV Formats and Format Research: Theory, methodology, history and new developments. This special issue seeks to...
The British Library has launched its Sounds website http://sounds.bl.uk The new website allows users to listen for free to 50,000 tracks of music, spoken words and environmental sounds. Listeners at...
Political Ideas, Industrial Strategies, Textual Features and Audience Practices. Since the 1980s, media convergence has become a buzzword for media studies, a crucial site for academic debate and research...