Twenty-First Century TV: Television in the Digital Era

Twenty-First Century TV: Television in the Digital Era
Postgraduate Conference
12 May 2015
The University of Northampton

This one day conference aims to bring together postgraduate students working on all aspects of television in the digital, or post-digital, age. Television today can be online, on demand, downloaded, streamed, live, timeshifted, watched on multiple screens across multiple platforms. Producing and consuming television might involve games, apps, extended narratives, social media and a range of ancillary products. Have recent changes in technology radically transformed TV, or do traditional means of making and watching TV still persist?

Proposals are invited on (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Overflow and paratexts
  • Online content
  • User-generated content
  • Social media
  • Red button
  • Regional and local TV
  • International TV
  • Branding
  • Authorship, collaboration
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Platforms and delivery
  • Multi screening
  • Time shifting and recording
  • Archiving
  • HD, 3D
  • CGI, special effects
  • Production, consumption
  • Communities, audiences, fans

We welcome contributions from students registered on any postgraduate degree, and perspectives are invited from different disciplines.

Please send proposals (250 words) for 20 minute papers plus a brief biography (100 words) to Lorna Jowett and Michael Starr by 12 March 2015:


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