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[caption id="attachment_27099" align="alignright" width="200"] BUFVC CEO Virginia Haworth-Galt and AoC CEO Martin Doel presenting Lexx Oliver with her award[/caption] The BUFVC announced the winner of the...
[caption id="attachment_3078" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Lecture room - used under Creative Commons licence. Click for source."][/caption] The JISC commissioned a case study on how the BUFVC...
A listing for this new and developing resource has recently been added to the BUFVC Moving Image Gateway. The College of Production is part of the BBC Academy, which exists in its own words to put,...
[caption id="attachment_10409" align="alignright" width="234" caption="http://open.edu/itunes/"][/caption] The Open University now features alongside Stanford University in being one of the leading...
In autumn last year we were invited by the Association of Colleges to write an article on using moving image in further education teaching, for inclusion in their First Research and Scholarship in College...
A Star Is Born: Cinematic Reflections on Stardom and the ‘Stardom Film Friday 13 September 2013 King’s College London http://stardomfilm.wordpress.com/ This conference addresses an overlooked area...
Allowing college and university staff to access and use the full range of work ICT facilities via their own mobile devices is a more challenging area for institutions to handle than opening the systems for...
A selection of presentations provided at the Get Creative forum on Friday 7 December 2012, are available to download below: Introduction to Get Creative & BUFVC Update Luís Carrasqueiro, Chief...
It has been announced today that The Open University will lead a consortium of British Universities to deliver online courses worldwide as part of a new venture named Futurelearn. Their stated aims are to:...
A one-day symposium Wednesday 30 April 2014 Nash Lecture Theatre, K2.31, King's Building Strand Campus, King's College London www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/filmstudies/eventrecords/2014/gfvc.aspx In...