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Film Heritage, Digital Future: Practice and Sustainability for the Film Archive Sector A one day event for professionals in film and TV archiving Friday 4 March 2011 10 am to 4.30 pm Organised and...
From Audience to User: New Ways of Engaging with Audiovisual Heritage Online 30-31 October 2014 Casa del Cinema, Villa Borghese, Rome (Italy) Deadline for applications and abstracts: 21st May 2014...
EUscreen, the best practice network for Europe’s television heritage (www.euscreen.eu), is holding its third and final international conference on 'Television Heritage and the Web' in Budapest on 13 and...
The second EUscreen International Conference on Use and Creativity in the audio-visual domain takes place at the National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, on September 15-16, 2011. Attendance is free, but...
The first EUscreen International Conference on Content Selection Policy and Contextualisation is to be held at the Casa del Cinema in Rome, Italy from 7-8 October 2010. The two-day conference will focus on...
The Journal of European Television History and Culture has been launched today: http://journal.euscreen.eu. The Journal builds on recent digitisation initiatives in European archives and audiovisual...
The Research and Education Space (RES) project has picked up the Linked Enterprise Data Award at the European Linked Data Contest (ELDC). The awards, held at the Semantics Conference in Leipzig, are now...
EUscreen virtual exhibitions were shortlisted in the 'Most Innovative Use of Archive' category as part of the prestigious FIAT/IFTA Archive Achievement Awards 2013. These exhibitions, curated by...
To tie in with BBC Four's All American season, launching on 14 November, which will explore the cultural heritage of 20th century America, the BBC has made available online 15 full-length programmes on this...
VIEW, the Journal of European Television History and Culture is the first peer-reviewed, multi-media and open access e-journal in the field of European television history and culture. It offers an...