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  1. John Major on Iraqi attacks on Israel (1991)

    Press conference

    Prime Minister John Major gives an impromptu press conference outside Number 10 Downing Street about the Iraqi missile attacks on Israel. He says the attacks are an act of terror and he has asked Israeli...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. Iraq rounds up foreigners (1990)

    News report; Interview; Speech

    Iraq announces that up to 6,500 British and US nationals in Kuwait are being rounded up for their own safety. Includes the warning as broadcast in Kuwait by the BBC World Service. Response by British Foreign...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. UK foreign policy changes (1980)


    Andrew Manderstam interviews Sir Nicholas Henderson, UK ambassador to the United States, on British changes in foreign policy after the election of the Conservative Government led by Margaret Thatcher in...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Libyan embassy siege aftermath (1984)

    News report; Press conference; Speech

    Report on the arrival back at Gatwick Airport of the staff of the British embassy in Libya following beakdown in diplomatic relations after the shooting and siege at the Lbiyan People’s Bureau in London....

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. Peter Jay in the USA (1977)

    Interview; News report

    Peter Jay, UK Ambassador to the United States, makes his first appearance on US television on NBC’s Meet the Press to publicise the economic achievements of the British Government. Expresses views on...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. Romanian revolution-diplomats return to UK (1989)

    News report; Interview

    Kerry Thomas reports on British diplomats returning from Romania after the uprising. Includes interview with ambassador’s son Nicholas on how the embassy was used by the security police; assistant defence...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Ion Iliescu inaugurated as Romanian President (1990)

    Interview; News report; Special

    Report on Romania’s new President Ion Iliescu’s inauguration speech at which he justified inviting miners to Bucharest to quell violent protests and said he was committed to democracy. Reaction to speech...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Yeltsin takes tough measures to restore law and order in Moscow (1993)

    News report; Interview

    President Boris Yeltsin is pledging to go ahead with elections for a new parliament in December despite the political uprising in Moscow this week and ongoing state of emergency. He made his promise on state...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. USA no longer to enforce Bosnian arms embargo (1994)

    Interview; News report

    Chris Chambers reports on the USA’s decision to withdraw its warships and cease to enforce the arms embargo on Bosnian Muslims in place since the start of the war in the former Yugoslavia. Reaction from...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Martial law in Poland (1982)

    Interview; News report; Speech

    Report on recent political and social events in Poland leading to the imposition of martial law and the arrest of the leaders of the independent trade union Solidarity, resulting in the imposition of...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
91-100 of 122 results | Page 10 of 13
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