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41-50 of 62 results | Page 5 of 7
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  1. Management of Nai in Children, The (1981 Video)

    Peter Coltman
    Peter Coltman
    Medical sciences
    out of distribution, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. col. 16 min.

    A brief account of the management of non-accidental injury in children after diagnosis. Refers to the examination of the child, the legal procedure by which he may be detained in hospital, and the case...

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  2. By Appointment (1998 Video)

    Health & safety
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 14 min., 2000 sale: £82.25 (inclusive)

    Looks at the vital role within the workplace of an appointed first aid person, to implement the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Details emergency first aid procedures suitable to be carried...

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  3. Teaching About Alcoholism (2 Parts) (1997)

    Andrew Macaulay
    Andrew Macaulay
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 80 minutes), £110.00

    Two complementary programmes on on alcoholism, with an emphasis on the clinical and multidisciplinary aspects of management. Revised and updated version of 1989 production. 1: Reviews classification,...

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  4. Guide to Manual Handling Assessments, A (1994)

    Health & safety
    Sale Hire, VHS (PAL, 13 minutes), £35.25 hire £105.75 sale

    Incorrect manual handling techniques cause 65% of work related sprains, 50% of which are to the back. Back problems invariably build up over a period of years but once weakened, the back is more susceptible...

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  5. Conduct at Work. Part 11: A Domestic Dispute (1982 Video)

    Peter Coltman
    Peter Coltman
    Law; Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. VHS. col. 47 min.

    Shows a concilation/mediation panel hearing management’s and union’s respect cases regarding a one-day dispute by domestic staff at a psychiatric hospital. The principal events surrounding the dispute...

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  6. Shock Horror (1993 Video)

    Free loan Hire Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 10 min., 2000 hire: £14.85 (inclusive) 2000 sale: £49.50 (inclusive) Free loan to UK educational establishments

    Discusses the dangers of overhead power lines crossing agricultural premises and the appalling consequences of contact with them while using machinery such as sprayers, loaders and tractor-mounted...

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  7. Cutting Edge, The: A Video on Glass Safety (1998)

    Civil Engineering & Building; FE; Health & safety
    Sale Hire, VHS (PAL, 19 minutes), £23.50 hire £70.50 sale

    A video produced to provide guidance in identifying the hazards associated with the handling of all glass. Highlights major risk situations and advises on safe and effective working practices. Actual...

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  8. Conduct at Work. Part 9: The Night Prowler (1981 Video)

    Peter Coltman
    Peter Coltman
    Law; Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. col. 29 min.

    Considers a collective grievance raised by nursing staff. A night nurse is attacked while crossing an unlit area on the periphery of the hospital grounds. As a result, nursing staff ask their shop steward...

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  9. Health & Safety - Confined Spaces (1999)

    Civil Engineering & Building; Health & safety
    Sale Hire, VHS (PAL, 25 minutes), £35.25 (hire) £105.75 (sale)

    Takes a step-by-step look at the requirements of the 1997 Confined Spaces Regulations. These include: avoiding entry if it is practicable to do so; Identifying the hazards and assessing the risks;...

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  10. Frenchay Hospital: Solving Problems (1997 Video)

    Bill Grist
    Hugh Dehn
    Business studies; Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 30, 40 min., 1999 sale: £395.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    A video-based training resource to help managers, particularly healthcare professionals, to develop problem-solving skills. In 2 parts. 1) A case study of a hospital with increasing user demand, stressed...

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41-50 of 62 results | Page 5 of 7
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