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  1. Creating Synthetic Life (2010)

    Sale, DVD (Region 1 NTSC, 86 minutes), $19.95

    This programme offers a behind-the-scene look at the one of the leading scientists in the field of synthetic genomes. Dr. Craig Venter discusses his work, and its implications on the world.

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  2. Floating an Integral (1986 Video)

    Engineering; Mathematics
    Off-air recording licence Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 24 min.

    In 1976 a new design of oil drilling jacket was developed which would float more or less unaided for towing out to the drilling site. Looks at a modelling approach designed to find out whether this type of...

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  3. Inverting Spectacles and Erect Vision (1953 Film)

    Medical sciences
    Film (16mm)

    Subject wears mirror spectacles which have the effect of inverting his visual field; subject’s adaptation during the experiment.*

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  4. Seabirds (1983 Film, Video)

    David Urry
    Biology; Environmental science
    Film (16mm)

    A study of how the hundreds of thousands of seabirds that throng the coasts of Britain in the breeding season have adapted to survive in a somewhat harsh environment. Ends with a brief plea for the...

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  5. Fatal Bargain, The (1983 Video)

    Peter Kinkeard; Sophy Robinson
    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 50 min., 2000 sale: £99.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    In 1981 an unidentified disease affected over 17,000 people across Spain, killing over 300 in a single year. The programme examines the events and subsequent investigations into what is now known as toxic...

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  6. Greek and Persian Wars, The (199 Video)

    Classical studies
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 55 min., 2000 sale: £29.95 (inc. VAT +p&p)

    Reconstructions, maps and graphics, and specialists in the field interpret and explain the wars fought between the Greek states and Persia, looking in particular at the story of the Spartans who stood...

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  7. Herring Spawning (1997 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 9 min., 1999 sale: £15.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    With unique underwater footage of spawning herring and areas of spawn deposition, this film was produced to explain the need for environmental impact surveys in areas of the seabed licenced for oil...

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  8. Agelena Labrinthica ('Araneae’): Embryonal Development (1959 Film)

    Film (16mm)

    The stages of embryo development are made visible by keeping the eggs under a thin skin of paraffin oil. Superficial cleavage, contraction, segmentation and the formation of the limbs and of the body can be...

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  9. Spain in the Golden Age: Still Life (1996 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 30 min., 1999 sale £10.00 (inclusive)

    Traces the tradition of 16th-century Spanish still life painting from its origins in the work of Juan Sánchez Cotán (1560-1627) to Goya at the beginning of the 19th century. Shows some of the central...

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  10. Afghan Women (1974 Film)

    Film (16mm)

    Examines the role of women in an Afghan rural community. Note: Printed materials intended to complement the observational approach used in the filming of this series are in preparation.

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