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3 MVs crew shaping oars. LV crew in water, boat pulls away. [SUBTITLE]: FAST CAMBRIDGE TRIAL. LIGHT BLUES COVER HENLEY COURSE IN 29 SECONDS UNDER OXFORD TIME. 2 TLVs crew rowing. LV boat pulls into bank.
The United Nations Charter becomes reality at San Francisco when members of fifty nations cast their votes - pledges to peace. Then the singing of the Charter. For Britain, Lord Halifax, Edward Stettinus for...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: A Taoiseach at Clothing Factory Centenary. SHOTLIST: Various shots of the clothing factory. Costello with government officials visit same. Walk round inspecting. Received in grounds,...
NoS Summary - Dinner party tips - how to fold serviettes into interesting shapes. British Pathe synopsis: "Serviette folding is a fine art - yet few things add more daintiness to a table than neatly folded...
MV man shaping frame of racket. [SUBTITLE]: FIXING THE WEDGE AND COMPLETING THE HANDLE MV man fixes wedge, puts racket in vice, fits other bits to it. [2ND SUBTITLE]: DRILLING THE HOLES FOR STRINGING MV...
BFI synopsis: A look at the world of gems, including shots of the Crown Jewels, and how gems are formed geologically. The film looks at night classes in gemmology held in London’s Northern Polytechnic, and...
Pathe Intertitles - "A good silk stocking begins with good silk. Hose factories spin their own ..." "Stockings are made in two parts - the leg first, the foot last. "Shaping" the legs ..." "The stocking is...
NoS Summary - Eve blowing glass at a glass works in Battersea. British Pathe synopsis: Opening intertitle reads: "We’re used to ladies running farms, fashion-businesses and other departures from domestic...
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Sport of Stones. DESCRIPTION: Curling or Bowls on ice. Lumps of granite, more than likely shaped at these workshops in Ayrshire. They’re the world’s principle makers of curling...
Pathe Summary - When is a pot not a pot? When it’s a lobster pot - for it is a basket! These Cornish Fisher girls are very adept at making them. NoS synopsis: "When is a pot not a pot? When it’s a...
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