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Report on the press conference featuring MP Christopher Mayhew about his decision to quit Labour for the Liberals. He speaks about the Liberal-Labour alliance, how the divisiveness of the party had got...
Press interview with former Beatle John Lennon, on his fans, living in America during the Nixon administration, and the drug charges brought against him.
Press conference featuring UK Home Secretary Roy Jenkins about renegotiations over Britain’s role within the European Community.
Report on the EEC membership debate prior to a UK referendum. Includes excerpt from press conferences with Barbara Castle Secretary of State for Social Services producing a bag of shopping from Brussels and...
Jon Snow reports on NATO Supreme Commander General Alexander Haig arriving at High Wycombe for inauguration of a NATO command point for all United Kingdom air force operations within NATO (band heard). Also...
Press conference in Kampala, featuring UK Prime Minister James Callaghan and Idi Amin, President of Uganda. They discuss past visits to one another’s countries including memories of Cardiff. Amin also...
Rhodesian black leader, Bishop Abel Muzorewa, comments on the shooting by police of thirteen black Africans in the country’s capital Salisbury (01/06/75). He claims these men were unarmed and gave no cause...
Prime Minister Harold Wilson addresses an MOD press conference, and states that the Government’s goal is to beat inflation. Mass unemployment and panic prescriptions must not be allowed to happen, and the...
The case of Billy McPhee, found murdered in Crawley. A police pathologist at a press conference(?) describes the injuries sustained by the young man; an IRN news bulletin (read by Jon Snow) reports his death...
Press conference with Ian Smith, Rhodesian Prime Minister on talks to be held on constitutional negotiations. He claims the media are playing up the fact that if the talks fail, this will be the last chance....
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