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Decision Makers: Hanging, presented by Peter Spencer. On whether hanging is a deterrent, the moral issues and the campaign for Parliament to amend the Criminal Justice Bill and restore capital punishment. We...
Interview with Louis Blom-Cooper, Howard League for Penal Reform, on the need for prison reform following a House of Commons vote against reintroducing capital punishment. Interviewer not heard.
Report on reaction to the outcome of a House of Commons vote which went against reintroduction of the death penalty. Speaking are: Leslie Curtis, Chairman of the Police Federation; David Evans, General...
Report on the first of a series of seminars at King’s College, Cambridge organised by the Howard League for Penal Reform to examine the future of the criminal justice system in Britain. Includes speeches...
Douglas Cameron introduces a review of the news stories of 1985 with award winning reporter Dave Loyn looking back on the year. Stories include air accidents and hijacks; Northern Ireland agreement; baby...
Interview with Louis Blom-Cooper who produced the report into the abuse and death of four-year-old Kimberley Carlile in South London, speaks about the need for changes in social service structure. Female...
Press Council boss Louis Blom-Cooper talks about the complaints received against press coverage of the Hillsborough stadium disaster (15/04/89) and what action may be taken. Most complained about was a...
Dominique Harvie reports for LBC Newstalk 97.3 on the War Crimes Bill being rejected by the House of Lords, it would have allowed trials of suspected Second World War criminals living in the UK. It will now...
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