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Conservative MP Leon Brittan thinks that the British Government should focus on improving the nation’s wealth rather than on pursuing Welsh devolution. Male interviewer not identified.
Conservative MP Leon Brittan argues against the creation of a Welsh Assembly. He suggests instead the establishment of a Parliamentary Select Committee which would enable the Welsh to better challenge the...
Documentary presented by Peter Spencer on nuclear civil defence policies of British Government and likely outcome for UK citizens of a nuclear attack; comparison of UK with Switzerland and Sweden;...
Interview with Home Office minister in charge of civil defence, Leon Brittan, on exercises organised by the UK Government intended to act as preparation for a nuclear attack. Female interviewer not identified.
Report on the Conservative Party conference in Brighton. Includes excerpts of speeches by representative Trevor Robinson; Environment Secretary, Michael Heseltine; leader of the Greater London Council, Sir...
Vivian White presents a phone-in programme discussing left-handedness; the government proposal to legalise CB radios; letter from David Steel, Liberal Party leader offering a coalition with the Labour Party;...
Nick Peters presents an investigation into the relationship of the police with society and police accountability after high number of deaths in custody and poor treatment of suspects have caused public...
Interview with Chief Secretary to the Treasury Leon Brittan defending the tax increases announced in the Budget. Male interviewer not identified.
Report on the latest Government economic statistics, which show a fall in the inflation rate but a rise in unemployment. Includes interviews with Treasury Minister, Leon Brittan; Peter Shore, Labour...
Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Leon Brittan at the 1982 Conservative Party conference in Brighton, where he speaks about levels of spending and possible cuts in public services including the NHS. Male...
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