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Christopher Hourmouzious reports on the various treatments that water goes through before being suitable for use. Laurie Moles from the Thames Water Authority discusses how water enters the system, as well...
This week’s edition of Our Kind of Town is presented by Keith Howell and investigates the London water supply system past and present. Visits the Metropolitan Water Authority headquarters to talk to...
Report on the Abbeystead disaster and aftermath as an interim Health and Safety Executive report is published and inquests on the victims open today. A water pump exploded during a visit by forty-two local...
Report on the Abbeystead waterworks disaster that killed sixteen visitors to the plant (23/05/84). Speakers are eyewitnesses Cyril Rothwell(?); Robert Ayrton(?); Divisional General Manager of the Water...
Interview with John Holmes, a survivor of the Abbeystead waterworks disaster that killed sixteen visitors to the plant in Lancashire (23/05/84). Female interviewer not identified.
Interviews with unidentified male rescue workers and survivors of the Abbeystead waterworks disaster that killed sixteen visitors to the plant in Lancashire (23/05/84). Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with the Chief Executive of the North-West Water Authority Brian Oldfield on the Abbeystead waterworks disaster that killed sixteen visitors to the plant in Lancashire (23/05/84). Male interviewer...
Report on the investigation into the Abbeystead waterworks disaster that killed sixteen visitors to the plant in Lancashire (23/05/84). Includes interview with the secretary of the Pat Seed Cancer fund as...
Interview with an unidentified male speaker on the investigation into the Abbeystead waterworks disaster that killed sixteen visitors to the plant in Lancashire (23/05/84). Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Dr John Cullen of the Health and Safety Commission on the inquiry into the tragic explosion at the Abbeystead water plant during a PR exercise (23/05/84) and why a public inquiry was not held....
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