EEC summit on Eastern Europe reforms

EEC summit on Eastern Europe reforms
News report; Press conference
TX Date
19 Nov 1989
Year of production
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Simon Bowden reports on an EEC summit in Paris on reform in Eastern Europe called by France’s President Francois Mitterrand and a press conference afterwards by UK PM Margaret Thatcher. She gives reaction to 2 IRA bomb attacks on the British army; and then speaks about progress made towards democracy in Eastern Europe; aid for East Germany being dependent on political change like Poland and Hungary; role and influence of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev; and says question of borders is not on the agenda.
Margaret Thatcher; Simon Bowden
Northern Ireland; EEC; Terrorism; USSR; IRA; Germany; Political reform; Francois Mitterrand; Poland; Army; Foreign aid; Summits (meetings); Paris; Bombs; Eastern Europe; Hungary; Mikhail Gorbachev; Colchester; Germany FR; German DR; Economic aid

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