General election - Parliamentary debate

General election - Parliamentary debate
News report; Speech; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
12 May 1983
Year of production
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Richard Dallyn reports on a debate between Labour Party leader Michael Foot and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in Parliament. Foot criticises Thatcher about levels of inflation and unemployment, and over the Balance of Payments forecast. She responds by saying that inflation forecasts are marked down. Conservative John Stokes speaks, as does Ulster Unionist Enoch Powell. Northern Ireland Minister John Patten warns of possible terror attacks during election campaigns. Retiring Speaker of the House of Commons, George Thomas wishes God’s blessings to the members and the country and thanks everyone for respecting him as Speaker. Male reporter not identified.
Further information
Margaret Thatcher; George Thomas; Enoch Powell; Michael Foot; John Patten; John Stokes
Elections; Politics; Government; Internal politics; Inflation; Northern Ireland; Parliament; Terrorism; Unemployment; Political parties; Economic policy; Financial policy; General elections; Balance of payments

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