Welsh Guards in the Falklands War

Welsh Guards in the Falklands War
News report; Interview; Speech
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Kim Sabido reports on the funerals of Welsh Guards from the Sir Galahad which was sunk after bombing by Argentine jets during the Falklands War. With message from Sir Galahad captain, Philip Roberts, read by Padre Peter Husdon; roll of honour read by Sergeant Major Tony Davies; Colonel Johnny Rickett(?) reading epitaph; Last Post played. Followed by interviews with soldiers’ mothers, Mary Lewis and Elizabeth Wilson. Then with wives at Pirbright barracks- Denise Davies, Marion(?) Morris, Jean Morgan, Vera Fisher, Sue Powell. Also with soliders Phil Morgan and Simon Skinner. Female studio reporter not identified.
Kim Sabido; Tony Davies; Peter Hudson; Johnny Rickett(?); Mary Lewis; Elizabeth Wilson; Simon Skinner; Denise Davies; Marion(?) Morris; Jean Morgan; Vera Fisher; Sue Powell
Deaths; Injuries; Marriage; Wales; Funerals; Aerial bombardment; Falklands War (1982); Falkland Islands; Warships; Family; Army personnel; Soldiers; Wars (events); Peter Roberts; Pirbright; Welsh Guards; Burns; Bluff Cove; War casualties; Religious ceremonies; Sir Galahad

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