Our side of the river

Our side of the river
Interview; Documentary; Special
TX Date
26 May 1986
Year of production
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David Clarke presents a Bank Holiday special documentary on London Docklands Development Corporation plans to regenerate London’s Docklands area with a new residential area and how the area became derelict as the docks closed. Geoff Williams of the local council doesn’t think the plans address the housing needs of the local community, and believes the main priority to be luxury housing. The local tenants’ association also believes the authorities don’t listen to local people. Also speaking: David Lloyd; Conn(?) Donovan, local resident and former docker; Eddie Oliver, Ted Bowman(?), Lil Patrick, Eddie Hart, Andrew Wadsworth, Joe Cook, Peter Hofscherer(?), Archie Onslow.
Joe Cook; David Clarke; Geoff Williams; David Lloyd; Conn(?) Donovan; Eddie Oliver; Ted Bowman(?); Lil Patrick; Eddie hart; Andrew Wadsworth; Peter Hofscherer(?); Archie Onslow
London; Southwark Council; Housing; Urban regeneration; Property; Docklands; Housing needs; Urban renewal; LDDC; Development; London Dockland Development Corporation; North Southwark Community Development Group; Cherry Garden Action Committee; Swan Road Tenants’ Association; Terence Conran; Reminiscence; Building construction; Dock workers; Communities

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