
TX Date
6 Feb 1984
Year of production
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NewsRevue - an episode of the topical satirical comedy song and sketch show. Individuals sent up include Elton John; Princess Diana, Princess of Wales; US President Ronald Reagan; Soviet President Yuri Andropov; UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband Denis Thatcher; Foreign Secretary Geoffrey Howe; Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine; Soviet Union politicians Mikhail Gorbachev and Konstantin Chernenko; head of the NUM Arthur Scargill; Chairman of Trafalgar Health Nigel Broackes; presenter Gloria Hunniford; journalists David Frost, Angela Rippon, Michael Parkinson, Selina Scott and Brian Hayes. Topics sent up include the Soviet Union presidential election, the civil service, the Famous Five, TV-am and the moon landing. None of the performers are identified.
None Identified
Comedy; Books; Margaret Thatcher; USSR; Civil service; Civil servants; Arthur Scargill; Michael Heseltine; Elton John; NUM; Geoffrey Howe; Television programmes; Moon landings; Famous people; Royal family; Heads of state; Presidents; Broadcasters; Royalty; Ronald Reagan; Politicians; Yuri Andropov; Konstantin Chernenko; Journalists; Political leaders; Political satire; David Frost; Brian Hayes; Princess Diana; Princess of Wales; TV/radio presenters; Mikhail Gorbachev; Michael Parkinson; Denis Thatcher; TV-am; English (cultural identity); Enid Blyton; Angela Rippon; Nigel Broackes; Selina Scott; Trafalgar Health; Gloria Hunniford; The Famous Five

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